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How the role of Social Workers has changed since the Pandemic

The role of a social worker has changed significantly since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social workers have had to adapt to new challenges and find new ways to support and serve their clients. Some of the ways in which the role of a social worker has changed include:

Increased use of technology: Social workers have had to rely more heavily on technology to conduct virtual meetings and sessions with clients.

Increased demand for services: The pandemic has led to an increase in demand for social services, as people are facing new and additional challenges related to job loss, financial insecurity, and isolation.

New areas of focus: Social workers have had to adapt to new areas of focus, such as addressing the needs of people who have been affected by the pandemic in various ways, and providing support to those who are struggling with mental health issues related to the pandemic.

Increased collaboration: Social workers have had to work more closely with other professionals, such as healthcare workers and public health officials, to address the needs of their clients in the context of the pandemic.

Overall, the pandemic has required social workers to be more flexible and adaptable in their work, and has highlighted the importance of their role in supporting and helping those who are most vulnerable during these challenging times.