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A Thank You To All Our Social Workers, From Everyone At Portman Recruitment

Since the Coronavirus reached our shores at the beginning of the year there have been many sad things that have occurred, but one silver lining during this whole ordeal has been the outpouring of love, affection and pride shown toward our doctors, nurses and care staff.

Here at Portman Recruitment, we wanted to take the time to give our thanks to each and every social worker that has walked through our doors and gone on to work for various different local authorities across the country. Each and every day we’re astounded by the care, attitude and hard work that our social workers bring to their roles.

We see the stats, the figures and the bluster on the television but we think it’s important to remember that behind all that there are hardworking people out there, some of whom are known to us. Our ethos at Portman Recruitment is to go above and beyond, and as our consultants develop personal relationships with the social workers, we’re feeling immense pride knowing they’re out there across the country helping the most vulnerable members of our society.

So, from everyone at Portman Recruitment, we want to thank each of our social workers. We can’t wait to see you for a catch-up and a cuppa soon.

How Portman Recruitment Help Social Workers

From CV optimisation and interview tips right the way through to catch-ups with our social workers. We do everything here at Portman Recruitment to ensure our social workers have everything they need to land a new job.

Your relationship with Portman Recruitment doesn’t end once you’ve got the job. We’ll be in contact with you to check-in and see how you’re doing. You can count on us to be there to help should any problems arise. As we said previously, our candidates work hard to build relationships with our social workers and are always on hand to support them, especially during these tough times.

Could We Help You? Here Are The Local Authorities We Work With

If you’re someone looking for a new social work role and want a recruitment company that has got your back, doesn’t treat you like a number on a spreadsheet and understands the challenging times that social workers are currently going through, then Portman Recruitment is the company for you. We work with a whole host of local authorities across the country, below are just some of them:

Refer A Friend And Earn £500!

If you know someone that is looking for a new role in social work, someone who maybe wants a new challenge with a recruitment firm that has a refreshing new approach to hiring then get in touch with us. If you refer them you could earn up to £500 from your friends at Portman Recruitment as a thank you for helping us find them.

Get In Touch

We can’t wait to see how we can help you secure your new social work role. Our team can’t wait to hear from you. Even in these troubled times, we’re still working hard to secure roles for people. Drop us a message or give us a call today.