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Interview With A Social Worker At Portman Recruitment

In today’s blog, we had the privilege of chatting with a social worker who works for Portman Recruitment. This social work is based in the North West for the Child & Care team and has been working hard during this pandemic. They very kindly decided to answer a few questions about the last few months.

For more information about the kind of social work roles that we have, be sure to get in touch with the team here at Portman Recruitment. We’ll be happy to explain our process and why we think we’re the perfect recruitment agency for social workers in the North West.

When COVID-19 Hit, What Changed Within Your Team And How Did It Affect The Way You Work?

So in actual fact, when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, we started to reduce our numbers of staff in the office even before the lockdown period really. We operated a skeleton staff in the office and it meant that we increased our numbers on the rota for duty so that we could offer additional support to the staff that was in the office at the time. Obviously we’ve been working from home which has been quite isolating at times. We have got a really supportive team and know we can just get on the phone to each other if we need that bit of support or to have a sounding board.

Has COVID-19 Affected Your Personal Life At All?

In actual fact, it has just made me really wary about interacting with people. I think I’m aware that there are vulnerable people and you adopt different practices with them but I’m really mindful of the fact that in the outside world you don’t know who has got those vulnerabilities. If anything I’ve probably been a bit more cautious and not really ventured out very much! I’ve tended to stay at home and keep myself to myself.

We’re Coming Up To 6 Months Of Lockdown Now. Have You Seen A Shift Back To The Old Normal Or Are The Changes That Were Originally Implemented Proving To Be More Beneficial For The Future Of The Workplace?

I think what we’ve discovered is that we can be really productive from home. I think that side of things has been embraced by most of the team. I think moving forward we’ve certainly been advised that we don’t have to rush back to the workplace if that’s not what we want to do, which is good to know. Similarly, we’ll probably have more of a flexible approach to working from home, having some days in the office and some days at home. There are some practical issues when you’re working from home, you know, access to printers, sending post out and other things like that sometimes get in the way. But, other than that, it can be quite a productive situation where you can just focus, you’ve got quiet, you haven’t got the normal office bustle.

How Did You Find The Support Of Portman Recruitment Throughout This Whole Journey And Pandemic?

Well, obviously I have been supported by them. They are at the end of the phone for me so I know that if there have been any issues I’ve had the opportunity to discuss them. I know they are only a phone call away so I have had some regular calls to check how I am doing and an opportunity to discuss any worries or issues about my current employment. So that is really supportive.

Are You A Social Worker Looking For Employment? Get In Touch With Portman Recruitment Today.

If you’re a social worker with at least a years of experience based in areas like Blackpool, The Wirral, Manchester, Blackburn, Lancashire, or anywhere else in the North West and are looking to work with a local authority and a recruitment agency that will have your back, then get in touch with us here at Portman Recruitment today.

As you’ve seen in this blog, we really care for social workers and are proud to help them find employment so they can go out and make a difference in communities. Check out our jobs page to see what roles are currently available or why not read more about the kind of candidates that we’re looking for.

Some Of The Local Authorities That We Work With